
Showing posts from 2020

Jamaica's High School CXC Rankings for 2020

1 Immaculate Conception High 100%2 Campion College 99.5%3 St. Hilda’s Diocesan High 98.84%4 Hampton high 97.7%5 Mount Alvernia High 97.66%6 Wolmer’s Girls School 96.9%7 Westwood High 95.21%8 Glenmuir High 95.14%9 DeCarteret College 94.4%10 St. Andrew High School for Girls 92.9%11 Convent of Mercy Academy Alpha 92%12 Knox College 91.8%13 Montego Bay High 89.61%14 Morant Bay High 88.4%15 Wolmer’s Boys School 88.1%16 St. George’s College 88%17 Munro College 87.7%18 Holy Childhood High 87.6%19 Ardenne High 86.6%20 Merl Grove High 83%21 Mannings High 82.7%22 Bishop Gibson High 81.5%23 York Castle High 79%24 Meadowbrook High 77.8%25 The Queen’s High School 77.6%26 Manchester High 77.5%27 St. Hugh’s High 75.9%28 Kingston College 70.3%29 Clarendon College 69.2%30 Marymount High 68%31 St. Jago High 60.7%32 Charlemont High 60.1%33 St. Mary High 60%34 Jamaica College 59%35 Ferncourt High 58.6%36 Denbigh high 57%37 May Day High 54.71%38 Titchfield High 54.5%39 St. Catherine High 53%40 Annotto Bay

Asafa Powell got a statue, people gave their reaction about it.


Police Kill Bad Man & Tugz Came Back for his Mom an slap her Weh!!